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#OpIslaer - #Falcon website hacked and defaced | #FreePalestine #Anonymous
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Follow Us -----> @Op_Israel


Dear Citizens of the world,

This is for the loving memory of Rachel Corrie.
An Israeli court has ruled in a civil case that the Israel army was not at fault in the bulldozer death of American pro-Palestinian activist Rachel Corrie.
Israel must be punished for all the killing on innocent people !!.
#OpIsrael is here to stay untill the Zionist State stops the occupation and the killings.

Zionism is Racism ...
Zionism is Terrorism ...
Zionism is a State Organized Terror ...
End of Zionism = Peace ...
End Zionism, end bloodshed in the Middle East ...
Israel is not the homeland of Jewish people, its the freedom of Zionism ...
Judaism rejects Zionism and the state of Israel ...
* You dont have to be jewish to be a Zionist *

We are Anonymous
We are a Legion
We will never Forgive
We will never Forget
Expect us

#OpIsrael ||| #FreePalestine #Anonymous
