- http://dreampic.co.il/ (Hacked and defaced)
- http://justice.act.gov.au/ (Justice and Community Safety website hacked and defaced)
- http://www.policiainformatica.gob.pe/ (Research Division of Tech Crime Down)
- http://www.brasil.gov.br/ (Brasil Portal Down)
- http://www.newyorkironworks.com/ (New York Iron Works- NYC’s Famous Police Equipment & Tactical Gear Store hacked and defaced details via pastehtml.com)
- http://www.athenscountygovernment.com/ (Athens County Ohio hacked and defaced)
- http://www.greenbergresearch.com/ (Hacked and data leaked via pastebin)
- http://www.northadams-ma.gov/ (Hacked and data leaked via pastebin)
- http://www.bm.rs.gov.br/ (Military Brigade Brazil Down 4:05PM GMT)
- http://www.brigadamilitar.rs.gov.br/ (Military Brigade Brazil Down 4:05PM GMT)
- http://www.petroleum.com.ve (Hacked and Defaced)
- http://gesac.gov.br/ (DOWN)
- http://www.mc.gov.br/ (DOWN)
- http://www.anti-piracy.be/ (Belgian Anti-piracy Federation Down 7:00PM GMT)
- http://sja.go.gov.br/ (Hacked and defaced)
- http://seder.gob.mx (Secretariat of Agriculture hacked and defaced /index1.php 5:20PM GMT)
- http://www.vatican.va/ (Vatican Italy official site Down 3:20PM GMT details via pastebin.com)
- http://www.virtual-electronic.ro/ (Hacked and data leaked)
- http://www.calidus.ro (Hacked and data leaked)
- http://pandalabs.pandasecurity.com/ (PandaLabs Blog – Panda Security hacked and defaced more details via pastehtml.com)
- http://cybercrime.pandasecurity.com/ (Panda Cyber Crime Unit Hacked and defaced)
- antivirus-offers.pandasecurity.com
- blog.cloudantivirus.com
- cloudofficeprotection.pandasecurity.com
- cloud.pandasecurity.com
- cloudpartnercenter.pandasecurity.com
- cloudprotectionbeta.pandasecurity.com.tar.gz
- cloudprotection.pandasecurity.com
- facebookfriends.pandasecurity.com
- forgetsecurity.co.uk
- forgetsecurity.co.za
- forgetsecurity.es
- go.pandasecurity.com
- info.pandasecurity.com
- information.pandasecurity.com
- lavuelta.pandasecurity.com
- maintenance.pandasecurity.com
- momentos.pandasecurity.com
- ondersteuning.pandasecurity.com
- pandacompetition.pandasecurity.com
- pandalabs.pandasecurity.com
- prensa.pandasecurity.com
- press.pandasecurity.com
- promo.pandasecurity.com
- protectyourfamily.pandasecurity.com
- research.pandasecurity.com
- securitytothecloud.pandasecurity.com
- serviciospro.pandasecurity.com
- servicos.pandasecurity.com
- suporte.pandasecurity.com
- techcenter.pandasecurity.com
- uninstall.cloudantivirus.com
- wiki.cloudantivirus.com
- www.cnccs.es
- www.forgetsecurity.de
- www.forgetsecurity.se
- http://www.musterroom.com/ (Hacked and defaced Delaware Correctional Officer’s Forum more details via http://pastehtml.com/)
- http://getbroadband.ie/ (Official Irish Broadband website hacked and forwarded to this url http://pastehtml.com)
- http://www.labour.ie/ (Irish labour party website DOWN)
- http://www.policiainformatica.gob.pe/ (web site of Peru police nearly 1000 documents from the Peru government, equivalent to 200MB of total data leaked via mediafire)
- http://www.torino-lione.it/ (New line Turin-Lyon site DOWN)
- http://aipac.org/ (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee website DOWN)
- http://www.interno.it/ (Ministry of Interior official website DOWN)
- http://www.ltf-sas.com/ (Lyon Turin Ferroviaire DOWN)
- http://governo.it/ (Italian Government official website DOWN 6:05PM GMT)
Source: http://cylaw.info/?p=839
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