The Punisher
Plot: Frank Castle is haunted and hunted after the murder of his family and becomes a vigilante known in the criminal underworld as "the Punisher", who aims to fight crime by any means necessary.
Creator: Steve Lightfoot
Cast: Jon Bernthal, Jason R. Moore, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Michael Nathanson, Jaime Ray Newman, Amber Rose Revah, Paul Schulze.
Plot: Frank Castle is haunted and hunted after the murder of his family and becomes a vigilante known in the criminal underworld as "the Punisher", who aims to fight crime by any means necessary.
Creator: Steve Lightfoot
Cast: Jon Bernthal, Jason R. Moore, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Michael Nathanson, Jaime Ray Newman, Amber Rose Revah, Paul Schulze.
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