The website of the Chicago Police,, and the one hosted on the domain have been taken down by Anonymous hackers operating under the AntiS3curityOPS banner. They’ve published a YouTube video to celebrate the occasion, but it has been removed since.
Mashable took a peek at the video before it was removed. Apparently, the attack is related to the NATO protests taking place these days.
“While this has come to no surprise, the NATO protests are already reaching a boiling point. As tonight we have already witnessed the Chicago Police Dept sending out a request for two water cannons deployed on Michigan Avenue, which the protesters briefly were able to close off the street completely,” the hacktivists said.
“Just a few moments ago we witnessed cops on horses seemingly all too content with the destiny that has turned their hearts cold, trampling over protesters trying to intimidate,” they added.
The hackers encourage individuals to unite and protest against “the violent Chicago police” and the US government’s “big brother tactics.” The use of Twitter is highly recommended by Anonymous in an attempt to get hashtags such as #SolidarityWithChicago, #[expletive]NATO and #FTP trending.
They also advise other online activists to join them under the AntiS3curityOPS banner and launch attacks.
“We are actively engaged in actions against the Chicago Police Department, and encourage anyone to take up the cause and use the AntiS3curityOPS Anonymous banner. For those able, should be fired upon as much as possible. We are in your harbor Chicago, and you will not forget us.”
At press time, the websites and were still offline.
An hour ago, the hackers also threatened to make public the personal phone number and address of Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy.
Source: @EduardKovacs | softpedia
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