Comrade Detective Plot : In the thick of 1980's Cold War hysteria, the Romanian government created the country's most popular and longest-running series, Comrade Detective, a sleek and gritty police show that not only entertained its citizens but also promoted Communist ideals and inspired a deep nationalism. The action-packed and blood-soaked first season finds Detectives Gregor Anghel and Joseph Baciu investigating the murder of fellow officer Nikita Ionesco and, in the process, unraveling a subversive plot to destroy their country that is fueled by-what else-but the greatest enemy: Capitalism. Creators: Brian Gatewood, Alessandro Tanaka. Cast : Channing Tatum, Florin Piersic Jr., Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Corneliu Ulici, Jenny Slate, Olivia Nita, Jason Mantzoukas, Florin Galan.
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